Friday Foto…

For those of you who suffer from BPD/other mental health issues, you’ll appreciate how much of a struggle it was to get me to learn how to ride a bicycle. I’ve only just mastered it (and not that well, see yesterday’s post!), 28 years later than The Porglets!

It’s that whole “out of control” feeling that’s overwhelmingly exaggerated when you have BPD. So this week’s Friday Foto might surprise you…


This is my very own biking gear! I also have kevlar armoured trousers and jacket (not so girly, in black and silver). Here’s how it all came about.

Lovely Boyfriend bought himself a new motorbike. He’s always ridden but not since we met (his old Harley needed work done to it). He got a good deal for a new bike and persuaded me to take a small spin as pillion. I was EXTREMELY anxious but decided to go for it to please him (I figured I could then say “thanks but no thanks” and that would be that!) He planned a short trip of about 3 miles and then stopped to see if I wanted to go home or continue. He’d barely stopped when I squealed “This is FUN!” and I’ve been begging him to take me out on it at every opportunity since!

I am LOVING it and plan to work away at getting my balance/steering etc with a bicycle so I can learn to ride a motorbike of my very own next year.

Lovely Boyfriend had an inkling I would love it, despite my usual fears about feeling out of control. Let me tell you; it’s the most liberating feeling EVER! It’s nothing like that horrible feeling I get on fairground rides or flumes…just this marvellous sense of freedom and space.

Maybe you can surprise yourself too?